Release Note

Ver. 0.19 - May 24 2024

The overview of the new features are as follows.

Email address and password registration in social login

If you are logged in with a Google account or other SNS account, you can now register an email address and password for login in additional. Once you register, you will be able to log with the email address and password in addition to the social login.

To register an email address and password, after logging in with your Google account or other SNS account, click the registration button on the user page. A confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address, so please approve with the email to finish your registration.

The registration button on the user page
The registration button on the user page
User page after the registration

Support for OpenFOAM 11

It is now possible to export projects in OpenFOAM 11 format and exporting in OpenFOAM 9 format is deprecated.

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